I was recently challenged by a good friend to write my version of what I think the difference is between being in love and feeling love for someone..... Well..... I haven't quite figured that out yet, but here's something else I was thinking about.
What if I related to love as something that no one could take way, give, receive, throw away, leave and share? What if I related to love as something that just is? It sounds way more freeing in a lot of ways! The concept that no one could take away their love for me, I would never worry or think about that if love just IS. I could relate to people with love, with a completely open heart, no filters, no strings attached, just feel the fullness of love for everyone that we meet. Granted my bond with certain individuals would be stronger than others, like kids and mates and family. The love however would be the same for everyone, no more, no less. There in the air the love would be, in every breath I take, in every interaction I make, in every smile and scowl I see.